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  • For best results, use bwin必赢 job search with Microsoft Internet Explorer. It also helps to have an empty cookie and history cache.
  • Please email or call HR at 785-575-6311 if you need assistance to accommodate a disability.
  • Refrain from using your browser's back button.

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EEI skills testing 

For bwin必赢 following positions, Edison Electric Institute (EEI) provides online tests for bwin必赢 benefit of our applicants to practice and reduce testing anxiety. An EEI contact name and phone number or e-mail is available on screen if you run into problems with bwin必赢 tests: 

  • Clerical support and administrative positions (SASS)
  • Construction and skilled trades, apprentice, fleet services, shop helper, auto mechanic positions (CAST)
  • System operator, power dispatching, distribution dispatcher positions (SO/PD II)
  • Technician, general design positions (TECH)
  • Power plant helper, operator positions (POSS)
  • Power plant maintenance positions (MASS)

Use bwin必赢 user name "test" and password "evergy" to log in: Go to Testing

NOTE: Some Internet Security software you may have installed on your PC could prevent you from accessing bwin必赢 EEI testing site.